Chili paste cannot be shipped in large quantities. Only dry chili paste or powder can be shipped internationally as airlines would classify chili paste as a liquid. In addition, some destination countries prohibit the import of items such as chili paste, spices, curry pastes, or plant-based ingredients, in which the decision is subject to the customs officers of each country. *We do not have information for each country.

Due to the limitations of ThailandPost air cargo transport with making liquid products controlled substances (sizes no more than 100 ml per box), which includes fruit juice, liquid soap, cream, gel Toothpaste , Shower Cream , Shampoo and other similar products, the aforementioned will be returned to the sender. Consequently, most of these goods that are sent by air never reach the recipient and delivery fees are wasted for nothing.
As the cost of ground transportation Parcel-Surface (40-60 Post working days) has increased and it is not worth the time spent, therefore, only delivery from and to Japan has ground transportation available. (liquid products can be delivered on the ground)